Our Story

Our story begins back in January 2021, when my husband and I were shocked and excited with the news that we were 5 weeks pregnant. Our lives were filled with joy and happiness with this announcement.
Together we fantasied on what our bundle of joy would look like, what personality it would have and most importantly how we would dress our baby. It was during this time that our tiny spark of an idea was breathed to life and Toosh and Co. was established.
Unfortunately, not long after, at 10 weeks pregnant, we were struck with the words no parent-to-be ever wants to hear. “I’m sorry, the baby has no heartbeat”. Those words will forever haunt us.
In a split second it felt as if our world came crashing down, we were absolutely crushed and left with nothing. We thought to ourselves, there must be a way we could keep fighting and not give up hope. Even though it felt as though all was lost, this small business inspired us to never give up and not only help ourselves, but also others in need.
Toosh and Co. is not just baby apparel, but a reminder that you
are not alone. We too have endured the stresses that come with miscarriage, infertility and endometriosis and would love to invite you to share and inspire others and spread awareness of issues that desperately need to be brought to light.
Sending you all love, light and baby dust.  -Toosh and Co.



toosh & co. have collectively decided to donate $1 from every sale to a charity that will help women & families through the battles of infertility, miscarriages and other underlying issues. Every quarter we will show an image of the charity we will be donating to.